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About the      Author

Welcome to all readers!

I’m a writer of 21 books and counting. I’m a mother of four, a wife of one, a mother-in law of two, and a grandmother of the cutest baby girl on the planet (aside from everyone else’s grandchildren, of course). I wear hats when my hair is dirty and would spend all year in a sweater if the weather would cooperate. Right now, it isn’t.


Amy on outdoor staircase
Amy with Wrigley
Words to remember, Hidden in a closet

It’s my belief that we all need to be known by someone, because we all have something to give that someone else needs.I’m not much of a talker, but I write loudly. My written words are my way of trying to understand humanity—each hopeful heart, hurting soul, wounded body, and neglected spirit. More than anything, I strive to understand. And books will forever be my attempt to do it.If you read them, I hope you’ll find parts of yourselves somewhere in the pages. I hope you’ll feel understood, at least a little bit. 


I see you, I care, and I’m glad you’re here. <3

Amy on the bridge
Amy behind the leaves
The building blocks of a story

I’m a former apologizer of taking up space and still struggle with it at times, even when I try hard not to. But books are the one area in my life where I won’t apologize. I write what I want, how I want, when I want, on whatever subject matter I want. When I die and other than my children, these books are what I’ll leave behind. Writing is how I process life, how I learn about myself and others. Someone once asked me if anyone really knew the real me. I’m a guarded person, so at the time I wasn’t sure how to answer. Now I am sure. I’m inside all the pages you see here. If you read them, you’ll read me. If you crack one open, you’ll crack a part of me open, too. Vulnerability is tough for me, except here.

Amy hides from the cold
Amy relaxing during the holidays
Amy on the porch
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